If you know me well, you would know am not a planner. I detest making list because I think life is more adventurous when you don't plan. I have had my own share of adventures but as I turn a year older today, I realize that there are some few adventures have missed. I realize that making a list would help me realize which goals I ha've met and haven't met, and it doesn't remove the adventure from it. Maybe I have old age to thank for that or maybe all those lessons on the importance of planning by friends is finally yielding fruits. This is the list of things I haven't done that I would like to do before 30.
- Go Bungee jumping
- Learn to Swim well (Am really ashamed of this one)
- Take part in triathlon after accomplishing the second
- Live in a boat house for at least a week
- Visit Russia
- Learn to Surf
- Own a Mustang convertible or Jeep Cherokee
- Hike the smoky mountain trail
- Go to a Brad Paisley/ George Strait/ Kenny Chesney Concert or all three would be awesome.
- Go to a UGA football game
- Go to a Duke Basketball game
- Take a long road trip without a destination in mind
- Go to a Yankee- Red Sox game
- Visit a shooting range
- Ride an Helicopter
- Go para-surfing
- Visit at least 10 of the remaining 20 states have never been to.
- Visit NYC
- Get married
Ahhaa!! Ride a powerbike😀😀