Mastering your mindset To be successful you must be able to control your thoughts. You become what you think. Your mind is the key to your success, health and happiness. The Bible said as a man thinkenth within, so he is. Your thoughts are very powerful because they control your action. And we can all agree that your actions define whom we are. We can’t escape our thoughts but we can control them. Our thoughts are pictures created in our minds by influence of our parents, friends, environment and past personal experiences. It is the window through which we use to see life, and we use it to frame everything We have control over our thoughts and we must learn to use that control to our benefits. We must stop focusing on the negatives thought and begin to focus on the positive. People who tend to focus on the negatives can’t achieve much. I know some few friends and family members whom at the moment you share a business ideas, their first response is to tell you why it won’t ...