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Showing posts from November, 2011

There is God in every human

A tweet by a friend (Katie) some few weeks ago inspired me to write this. She tweeted "you cant love someone if you don't see God in them," but I cant remember the second and last part of the tweet. I completely agreed with Katie's tweet. It was a tweet that got me thinking and it reminded of a scene in a classic movie called strange Cargo (1945). In the scene, A prisoner named Verne (clark gable) tries to mock Cambreau belief in the bible by telling him that some things in the bible didn't make sense. He said for example, the quote "God created man in his own image." Verne went on to say "look at me do I look like a god to you?" "And this forsaken place is full of gods I suppose (referring to fellow prisoners). Cambreau replied "the answer is simple, it means that each man has the some qualities of God inside him." Camnreau later said there is good in every man and the good in man is God. Genesis 1:27 states "So God creat...